
ODT Consulting - Burnout Prevention - For Companies

Not only individuals suffer from chronic stress related illnesses such as burnout, but also organisations.

Companies are increasingly finding themselves in an “acceleration trap” – that means:

  • more and more projects
  • higher performance pressures
  • innovation capacities and creative freedom are being reduced
  • new organisational structures and process designs are being introduced
  • the competitive pressure of artificial intelligence is noticeably increasing in individual areas of responsibility
  • employers are increasingly tending to view life under time pressure as the norm

This is pushing companies and employees to the limits of their resilience and beyond.

This development brings with it the danger that employers and employees will increasingly fall victim to stress related illnesses such as burnout.

In Germany, the medical journal „Ärzteblatt“ emphasises that in 2020 the costs of treating mental illness in statutory health insurance (SHI) amounted to 44 billion euros.

>> Link to article.

In Switzerland, according to Health Promotion Switzerland, stress-related illnesses cost employers CHF 7.6 billion / year in 2022

>> Link to article.

Against the background of labour law provisions – such as the occupational health and safety laws in Germany (§ 4 ArbSchG) and in Switzerland (Art. 328 of the Code of Obligations (OR) – and in an environment of increasing awareness among managers of mental stress illness among employees, the professional approach to the problem of burnout is becoming increasingly important.

Structures in work processes that endanger burnout represent a considerable cost burden for the company and lead to slowdowns in organisational processes. They impair productivity and represent an often underestimated burden not only for themselves but also for their working environment.


ODT Consulting Burnout Prevention Program @2024

As a burnout prevention consultancy, ODT Consulting supports you in minimising stress-driving factors in your company and maintaining the health and productivity of your employees.

We regard burnout as a multifactorial phenomenon. Burnout, as a stress-related illness, is resultant from a range of personal, socio-cultural, organisational and genetic factors.

The core competence of our company, with its broad experience in burnout prevention in companies, is to make your company crisis-proof against stress related illnesses, such as burnout, with an interdisciplinary and holistic approach in which genetic, operational, personal and socio-cultural influencing factors are taken into account.

The solutions that we develop are highly targeted to your organisation and to the specific needs of the department, task and complexity of the organisation and decision-making processes.

Our burnout prevention program includes
the following contents: