Management Consulting 

ODT Consulting - Management Consulting

In our management consultancy practice, we develop burnout prevention measures for the company in order to increase effectiveness, motivation and minimise costs (loss of earnings costs, sick pay costs, long-term absence costs, production downtime costs, etc.).

Our management consultancy will:

  • a) Examine, eliminate or reduce the risks of chronic stress-related illnesses in the company
  • b) Eliminate and reduce the risks through organisational measures (e.g. changing work processes, optimising structures or culture, etc.)
  • c) Eliminate and reduce hazards through intervention planning
  • d) Reduce the burnout risk by

We look for solutions to
find answers to the questions:

  • Why are so many employees in our company absent due to stress-related illnesses?

  • Where are the focal points of stress in our company?

  • Which departments and work groups are particularly affected by stress-related illnesses?

  • What measures can be taken to prevent or reduce future employee absences due to stress?

  • What internal and external factors cause stress and burnout in our company?

  • What should I do as a manager if the sickness rate in our company is too high?

  • Are there possibilities for early medical detection of burnout and how can this be reliably determined?

  • As a manager, how do I treat an employee who could develop burnout according to an early medical diagnosis?

  • Are there certain areas of employees’ tasks or areas of activity that are particularly susceptible to burnout?

We advice you on the reintegration
of employees:

In this context, we deal with the following questions, for example:

  • How can reintegration be organised?
  • How can the existing culture of leadership and cooperation be preserved?
  • How can the communication with my employee be improved?

Our advisory process:

1. Contact and initial consultation:
One person/several people from a company contact ODT Consulting regarding a stress issue in the company.

2. Coordination and agreement on the scope of the consulting services.

3. Risk assessment:
Our risk assessment begins with a company analysis. This is followed by a situation and needs analysis. The purpose of the risk assessment is to organise work in such a way that risks to mental health are avoided as far as possible.

3a. Company analysis:
In the company analysis, we look at the company’s capabilities and resources. Weaknesses and strengths are analysed.

The following parameters will be analysed:
  • Sales development
  • Conditions influencing health
  • Working atmosphere
  • Organisational structures
  • Leadership quality
  • Resilience management, internal communication
  • Innovative capacity of the company, development of new markets
  • Personnel costs
  • Wage loss costs
  • Costs of the long-term absence of employees
  • Costs of production downtime and the resulting loss of revenue
  • Psychosocial damage and its consequential costs
  • Performance costs
  • Labour input

3b. Situation analysis and needs analysis:
The situation and needs analysis serve to clarify the subjective and objective needs of the employer and employees and compare them with the existing situation and resources. On this basis, the actual needs can later be jointly determined and individual components prioritised. Both dimensions are crucial for intervention planning. The analysis covers all levels of the company’s organisation.

At the end of the situation and needs analysis, the following results are available:

  • The current situation regarding the willingness to finance the implementation of measures to prevent burnout is known
  • The target status is known: The needs of the stakeholders and target group are defined
  • The internal gaps in health promotion have been identified and the need for action has been determined

To collect this data, we work with:

  • Tests in the form of questionnaires (Maslach Burnout Index and the AVEM test)
  • Interviews (individual and group interviews)c
  • Analyses of documents provided by the client (e.g. sales developments documents, Personnel costs documents, Safety Index, Health management documents etc.)

4. Evaluation:
The findings obtained during the assessment  build the basis for determining the intervention measures.

The ODT consultant analyses the initial results and documents them.

If the management consultant determines that the stress level in the company is still at a low level, he recommends  coaching, supervision and personal development trainings. for the affected employees and work groups.

If a medium to high level of stress is identified, an intervention plan will be drawn up in addition to the recommendation of coaching, supervision and personal development training. The management consultant recommends our ALPI stress test (click here to find out more) to employers with high to medium stress levels. This is carried out by our medical cooperation partner. The recommendation is rounded off by legal advice, in particular on specific questions of occupational health and safety law.

5. Intervention plan:
After a consultation with the client, and if necessary also with the legal departement and the medical staff, the ODT counsellor begins to draw up an initial intervention plan.

6. Detailed analysis:
The ODT consultant revises the intervention plan, integrating the feedback from the companies.

7. Realisation of the intervention plan:
The ODT consultant accompanies the implementation step by step until the company has achieved full autonomy of action.

8. Feedback cycle:
2 months after implementation of the intervention plan, a feedback cycle is organised with the company and the results are documented.

9. Conclusion of the process:
The process concludes with  successful implementation of the measures ( on going measurement, reporting, collection of data) and the satisfaction of the client.