
ODT Consulting - Medical Consulting - Medizinische Beratung

Our medical department is in the process of developing a stress test (ALPI stress test) for burnout prevention in the company.

Our ALPI stress test will provide every company with an instrument that, in addition to subjectively perceived overload and discomfort, as well as purely organisational and psychosocial assessment, will make it possible to assess the physical and mental state and protect the individual from further damage to health and keep the company functional and successful in the future.

Our ALPI stress test is designed to help the company assess the physical effects that chronic stress has already had on the individual.

For this purpose, the following parameters are recorded as part of an examination:

  • Blood pressure
  • HRV (heart rate variability)
  • BMI (body mass index)
  • BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor)
  • WHR (waist to hip ratio)
  • LDL (low density lipoprotein)
  • GFR (glomerular filtration rate)
  • HbA1c – BSG (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
  • Interleukin6 (inflammatory mediator)
  • Interleukin1Beta (inflammatory mediator)
  • Cortisol im Serum (stress hormone)
  • Immunstatus Standard (B cells and natural killer cells)

These findings and parameters are assigned threshold values, which, if exceeded, indicate an existing organic disease or a risk thereof. The overall score obtained at the end is used to classify the patient into a risk level and is then discussed in detail and, if necessary, specialists (cardiologists, nutritionists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, etc.) are consulted for treatment.

The ALPI-stress test provides the company with an instrument which, in addition to subjectively perceived overload and discomfort, as well as a purely organisational and psychosocial assessment, enables the physical and mental condition to be assessed and the individual to be protected from further damage to health and to keep the company functional and successful in the future.

After a successful stress test, patients are invited to a personal interview with our occupational physician a few days later and advised on the results.

The data is only passed on to the company anonymously on request and is used to record the stress level in the company in order to avoid chronic stress-related illnesses (e.g. burnout) in the company.