Personality development training

ODT Consulting - Personality development training

In our personality development training courses  we learn to prevent, reduce or avoid burnout risks.

Our training courses are offered to individuals and groups. The number of participants per group is limited to 10 people. We always start with 10 training sessions, which can then be extended and continued.

We offer our training courses in person and online.

The training includes the following content:

    • Resilience training

    • Leadership training

    • Communication training

    • Conflict- and crisis resolution training

    • Relatives training

As a rule, our training sessions take place in 10 units, 2-4 hours each, every 2 weeks.

Resilience training

The questions we deal with in resilience training are:

    • How do I learn to become more resilient in the face of unforeseeable events?
    • How do I draw strength from negative and stressful emotions? How do I transform these into positive emotions?
    • How do fears, frustration, procrastination and blockages become drivers of change?
    • How do I develop organisational resilience in the company?
Leadership training

The questions we deal with in leadership training are:

    • How do I become a “good” leader?
    • How do I strike a balance between hierarchy and cooperation?
    • How do I motivate my employees?
    • How do I manage crisis situations?
    • Work climate: hierarchy, holacracy or self-management?
    • How do I establish a “both and” culture?
    • How can I learn to delegate?
    • How do I deal with decision-making dilemmas?
Communication training

The questions we deal with in communication training are:

    • How do I communicate a lack of understanding without causing offence?
    • How do I communicate decisions without belittling?
    • If feelings of anger are inappropriate in the workplace, how do I block or communicate them?
    • What power effects does paradoxical communication trigger?
    • How do I establish constructive and cooperative communication?
    • How do I deal with envy, frustration and fears in the workplace?
Conflict- and crisis resolution training

The questions that we address in conflict and crisis resolution training:

    • How do I steer and manage my organisation in a crisis?
    • How do I shape change?
    • How do I deal with conflicts in my organisation?
    • What kind of culture do I want to create in my organisation and what kind suits our company?
      Conflict avoidance or conflict management?
    • How do I create a culture of conflict avoidance?
    • How do I create a culture of conflict management?
    • When and how do I need to develop mediation skills and how do I implement them?
    • What qualities should a “good” mediator have?
    • How do I avoid emotional escalation?
Relatives training

Employees in the company are often also carers for sick children, parents or siblings. Caring for a relative requires a great deal of commitment, which often means losing sight of one’s own interests and career goals. You feel lonely, abandoned, helpless, desperate and very anxious. You feel at the mercy of others and powerless, which significantly increases the risk of burnout.

It is not easy to reconcile a career and caring responsibilities. Through our  services, we want to prevent you from falling into burnout by training you to reconcile your career and caring activities and learning how to deal with them so that you don’t lose all your energy and goals in life.

We offer trainings for family members, especially for

    • a) Dementia diseases such as Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia and Parkinson’s disease
    • b) Oncological diseases such as lung cancer, head and neck tumours…
    • c) Rare diseases such as Charcot-Marie Tooth, achalasia and others
    • d) Patients in intensive care units

We accompany you as a relative in the different phases of the disease and support you in your career development with advice and action.

We train you how to:

    • learn how to deal with stress
    • how to communicate with the patient and their superiors
    • how to avoid or manage conflicts
    • overcome crises
    • strengthen and promote your resilience
    • behave during change processes so that your career does not fall by the wayside

We also provide you with targeted training:

    • Accepting the illness and dealing with it
    • Conduct colloquia with doctors / superiors / employees and colleagues
    • Support you in decision-making and change processes